Pokemon Za Mûbî XY: Hakai no Mayu to Dianshî 2014

Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy

When Diancie a Pokémon said to create diamond travels to find Xerneas to help her make a heart diamond to save her home, Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie help her to be safe on the way from thieves.

Tous les titres
  • JP: Pokemon Za Mûbî XY: Hakai no Mayu to Dianshî Pokemon Za Mûbî XY: Hakai no Mayu to Dianshî
  • AU: Pokémon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pokémon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
  • BE: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
  • BE: Pokémon: De Film - Diancie en de Cocon der Vernietiging Pokémon: De Film - Diancie en de Cocon der Vernietiging
  • BR: Pokémon o Filme: Diancie e o Casulo da Destruição Pokémon o Filme: Diancie e o Casulo da Destruição
  • FR: Pokémon, le Film: Diancie et le Cocon de l'Annihilation Pokémon, le Film: Diancie et le Cocon de l'Annihilation
  • DE: Pokémon Der Film: Diancie und der Kokon der Zerstörung Pokémon Der Film: Diancie und der Kokon der Zerstörung
  • IT: Il film Pokémon: Diancie e il bozzolo della distruzione Il film Pokémon: Diancie e il bozzolo della distruzione
  • JP: Pocket Monsters XY the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pocket Monsters XY the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
  • JP: Pokémon the Movie XY: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pokémon the Movie XY: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
  • JP: Pocket Monsters XY the Movie: The Cocoon of Destruction Pocket Monsters XY the Movie: The Cocoon of Destruction
  • JP: Pocket Monsters XY the Movie Pocket Monsters XY the Movie
  • NL: Pokémon de Film: Diancie en de Cocon der Vernietiging Pokémon de Film: Diancie en de Cocon der Vernietiging
  • NL: Pokémon: De Film - Diancie en de Cocon der Vernietiging Pokémon: De Film - Diancie en de Cocon der Vernietiging
  • PL: Pokémon: Diancie i Kokon Zniszczenia Pokémon: Diancie i Kokon Zniszczenia
  • PT: Pokémon: o Filme - Diancie e o Casulo da Destruição Pokémon: o Filme - Diancie e o Casulo da Destruição
  • RU: Покемон-фильм: Дианси и Кокон Разрушения Покемон-фильм: Дианси и Кокон Разрушения
  • ES: La Película Pokémon: Diancie y la crisálida de la destrucción La Película Pokémon: Diancie y la crisálida de la destrucción
  • SE: Pokémon: Diancie och förstörelsens kokong Pokémon: Diancie och förstörelsens kokong
  • UA: Покемон-фiльм: Дiансi i Кокон Руйнування Покемон-фiльм: Дiансi i Кокон Руйнування
  • US: Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
  • JP: Pokémon 17 Pokémon 17
  • : Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
Date de sortie 08 Nov 2014
Lien IMDb
